This is apple card. A credit card created by Apple not a bank. So its simple, transparent and private. And its the only credit card designed to take advantage of the power of iPhone. It works with Apple Pay, so buying something is very easy. Unlike other credit cards, it helps you easily understand your spending. Its all right here, by week, by month or by category. And if there's a transaction you don't remember, Apple card uses Maps to show you where it was. Like, exactly where. Lets talk about rewards. You should get them today, not a month from today. That's why Apple Card gives you daily cash, with every purchase. It goes straight to your Apple Cash Card so you can spend it just like cash. No points, no, "How do I redeem this again?" Time to pay your balance? Check this out. Apple Card makes the interest you pay clear and transparent. Payoff a little the interest is this much. Pay more, that figure goes down until there's no interest a...
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